Asahikawa Health-related University, Asahikawa, Japan. 2 Division of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, Asahikawa Health-related University, Asahikawa, Japan. 3Cancer Immunology, Inflammation and Tolerance System, Georgia Regents University Cancer Center, Augusta, GA, USA. Received: 7 May perhaps 2014 Accepted: 15 September18.19.20.References 1. Nestle FO, Alijagic S, Gilliet M, Sun Y, Grabbe S, Dummer R, Burg G, Schadendorf D: Vaccination of melanoma sufferers with peptide- or tumor lysate-pulsed dendritic cells. Nat Med 1998, 4:32832. 2. van den Boorn JG, Hartmann G: Turning tumors into vaccines: co-opting the innate immune method. Immunity 2013, 39:277. three. Mitchem JB, Brennan DJ, Knolhoff BL, Belt BA, Zhu Y, Sanford DE, Belaygorod L, Carpenter D, Collins L, Piwnica-Worms D, Hewitt S, Udupi GM, Gallagher WM, Wegner C, West BL, Wang-Gillam A, Goedegebuure P, Linehan DC, DeNardo DG: Targeting tumor-infiltrating macrophages decreases tumor-initiating cells, relieves immunosuppression, and improves chemotherapeutic responses. Cancer Res 2013, 73:1128141. four. Izhak L, Ambrosino E, Kato S, Parish ST, O’Konek JJ, Weber H, Xia Z, Venzon D, Berzofsky JA, Terabe M: Delicate balance among three types of T cells in concurrent regulation of tumor immunity. Cancer Res 2013, 73:1514523. 5. Lipson EJ, Sharfman WH, Drake CG, Wollner I, Taube JM, Anders RA, Xu H, Yao S, Pons A, Chen L, Pardoll DM, Brahmer JR, Topalian SL: Sturdy cancer regression off-treatment and productive reinduction therapy with an anti-PD-1 antibody. Clin Cancer Res 2013, 19:46268. 6. Kobayashi H, Kumai T, Hayashi S, Matsuda Y, Aoki N, Sato K, Kimura S, Celis E: A naturally processed HLA-DR-bound peptide in the IL-9 receptor alpha of HTLV-1-transformed T cells serves as a T helper epitope. Cancer Immunol Immunother 2012, 61:2215225. 7. Kenter GG, Welters MJ, Valentijn AR, Lowik MJ, der Meer DM B-v, Vloon AP, Essahsah F, Fathers LM, Offringa R, Drijfhout JW, Wafelman AR, Oostendorp J, Fleuren GJ, van der Burg SH, Melief CJ: Vaccination against HPV-16 oncoproteins for vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia. N Engl J Med 2009, 361:1838847. eight. Kumai T, Matsuda Y, Oikawa K, Aoki N, Kimura S, Harabuchi Y, Celis E, Kobayashi H: EGFR inhibitors augment antitumour helper T-cell responses of HER family-specific immunotherapy. Br J Cancer 2013, 109:2155166. 9. Pollack BP, Sapkota B, Cartee Tv: Epidermal development element receptor inhibition augments the expression of MHC class I and II genes. Clin Cancer Res 2011, 17:4400413. ten. Wheeler DL, Huang S, Kruser TJ, Nechrebecki MM, Armstrong EA, Benavente S, Gondi V, Hsu KT, Harari PM: Mechanisms of acquired resistance to cetuximab: function of HER (ErbB) members of the family.Galcuronokinase Oncogene 2008, 27:3944956.Linvoseltamab 11.PMID:23008002 Weppler SA, Li Y, Dubois L, Lieuwes N, Jutten B, Lambin P, Wouters BG, Lammering G: Expression of EGFR variant vIII promotes both radiation resistance and hypoxia tolerance. Radiother Oncol 2007, 83:33339. 12. Yao Z, Fenoglio S, Gao DC, Camiolo M, Stiles B, Lindsted T, Schlederer M, Johns C, Altorki N, Mittal V, Kenner L, Sordella R: TGF-beta IL-6 axis mediates selective and adaptive mechanisms of resistance to molecular targeted therapy in lung cancer. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2010, 107:155355540. 13. Kobayashi H, Wood M, Song Y, Appella E, Celis E: Defining promiscuous MHC class II helper T-cell epitopes for the HER2/neu tumor antigen. Cancer Res 2000, 60:5228236. 14. Cecil DL, Holt GE, Park KH, Gad E, Rastetter L, Childs J, Higgins D, Disis ML: Elimination of IL-10-inducing.