916 340 847 889Highest CO2 Emissions Author Nation US JA GM UK CH IT KS FR SN CA Conf. Country US US US US US US US US US US # Samples ten,095 two,009 1,117 745 505 572 475 422 234 743 Typical CO2 kg 370 1,539 1,376 1,230 1,760 1,480 1,649 1,339 two,396 458 Total CO2 t 3,734 3,092 1,537 916 889 847 783 565 561doi:ten.1371/journal.pone.0066508.tsa . pa Assuming that each database indexes independently, then if na would be the variety of papers returned for any query by the initial database, nb is definitely the quantity of papers returned for the identical query by the second database, and no will be the number of papers returned for precisely the same no nb no pa in order that pa . query by both databases, we’ve n n nb nb Substituting we get n sa . no We executed queries in each Scopus and isi Net of Science in February and March of 2010. Considering that each databases limit the amount of benefits that may be downloaded for every query, we took into account only queries returning no more than 500 papers. We also took out on the calculations queries returning less than 50 papers, as in this case the overlap (no ) might be very tiny making outliers. Papers had been matched if they had been published within the very same year and they had the same start and end web page. size), then the total variety of papers in the globe is nThe queries had been single words that we required to be matched exactly, for material published in proceedings in 2008. The words were selected by trawling the titles of paper titles that had been published in 2008 inside the journals Science and Nature. In Scopus, the queries have been from the form: TITLE({science}) AND SRCTYPE(p) AND PUBYEAR IS 2008 although in ISI the queries have been of your form: TI = science AND PY = 2008 having chosen the Conference Proceedings Citation IndexScience (cpci-s)990 resent and Conference Proceedings Citation Index ocial Humanities (cpci sh)990 resent. Within the finish, we had 80 result sets that met our criteria. From these we estimated a total of 1,172,169 conference papers in 2008 having a 95 self-assurance interval of ,030,754{1,313,585.Table 10. Most Commonly Travelled US State Pairs and those with the Highest CO2 Emissions.Most Commonly Travelled Author State CA NY TX MI AZ CA MD FL MA TX Conf. State CA CA CA CA CA FL CA CA CA TX # Samples 820 249 232 181 130 125 120 118 109 106 Average CO2 kg 51 656 417 600 165 654 662 635 693 33 Total CO2 kg 41,539 163,305 96,755 108,605 21,464 81,689 79,386 74,913 75,529 3,Highest CO2 Emissions Author State NY MI TX CA MD MA FL VA PA NC Conf.Modakafusp alfa State CA CA CA FL CA CA CA CA CA CA # Samples 249 181 232 125 120 109 118 102 98 97 Average CO2 kg 656 600 417 654 662 693 635 643 654 647 Total CO2 kg 163,305 108,605 96,755 81,689 79,386 75,529 74,913 65,565 64,098 62,doi:10.Gemtuzumab 1371/journal.PMID:30125989 pone.0066508.tPLOS ONE | www.plosone.orgThe Carbon Footprint of Conference PapersTable 11. Conference Travel CO2 Emissions by Author Country. Table 12. Conference Travel CO2 Emissions by Conference Country.Country United States Japan Germany China United Kingdom Italy CO2 23.93 17.69 7.59 5.98 5.37 4.37 Total CO2 kg Average CO2 kg Papers 6,181,823 4,570,831 1,961,330 1,545,556 1,388,650 1,129,675 1,040,157 819,621 817,063 767,766 537,280 512,298 424,819 317,270 311,329 275,760 228,720 211,810 207,809 204,524 203,352 198,472 160,448 150,601 147,418 141,723 126,876 106,048 104,348 96,127 95,903 65,089 64,800 64,773 59,434 56,718 50,670 48,012 43,539 40,615 36,961 34,485 23,451 17,748 15,754 13,419 510 1,096 983 668 944 934 1,177 1,669 622 984 1,722 862 841 1,102 1,483 922 1,197.