Ble 1.Fenouillet et al. J Transl Med (2016) 14:Page 3 ofTable 1 Characteristics, redox status, CD26-expression and muscle fatigue parameters of ME/CFS patients and control subjectsME/CFS (n = 32) Age (years) Sex ratio (F/M) ME/CFS duration (y) At rest RAA/TBARS CD26-expression (AU) PubMed ID: End exercise VO2max (ml min-1 kg-1) M-wave ( ) TBARS ( ) 42 ?7 Controls (n = 11) 46 ?24/12 5?6/described [19, 23], PBMCs (1.106 cells) were then incubated for 60 min at 37 in 75 mM glycine buffer pH 8.7 with three mM Gly-Pro-p-nitroanilide, a colorimetric substrate of the peptidase CD26. The signal background was determined by incubation in acetate buffer pH 5, a condition in which DPPIV is inactive. Optical density values were determined (405 nm).Mwave recordings and analyses2.72 + 0.09* 23 ?91 ?19*3.60 ?0.09 26 ?129 ?+50 ?10**-41 ?8**+15 ?+8 ?At rest: RAA/TBARS: ratio of antioxidant response (Reduced ascorbic acid, RAA) to lipid peroxidation (Thiobarbituric acid reactive substances, TBARS); CD26expression measured via DPP-IV activity (AU: arbitrary unit) Exercise: VO2 max (maximal oxygen uptake); M-wave amplitude: (maximal decrease in M-wave amplitude evoked in the rectus femoris); TBARS (maximal increase in TBARS post-exercise) (Mean + SEM; * p < 0.05; ** p < 0.01)Considering their medical history, four groups of patients were retrospectively constituted: (1) patients reporting an intense sport practice (>6 h/week) (n = 10), (2) patients reporting a LDN193189 biological activity severe acute infection (peritonitis, sepsis, avian influenza…) diagnosed within the 3? month period preceding the onset of ME/CFS, (n = 7), (3) patients reporting a severe emotional stress (difficult divorce, death of a child…) (n = 11), or (4) patients combining severe infection and emotional stress (n = 8).Psychometrical indices of healthrelated quality of lifeAs previously reported [10], bipolar (30 mm center-tocenter) Ag gCl surface electrodes (Dantec, 13 L 20) were used to measure EMG voltage from one rectus femoris muscle. The electrodes were placed between the motor point and the proximal tendon. The EMG signal was amplified (Nihon Kohden, Tokyo, Japan) in the 10?000 Hz range. Compound muscle action get Brefeldin A potentials (M-waves) were evoked in the rectus femoris by direct stimulation using a monopolar technique and a constant-current neurostimulator (S88 model Grass, Quincy, MA) that delivered supra-maximal shocks with 0.1 ms rectangular pulses. The EMG signal was fed to an oscilloscope (model DSO 400, Gould), permitting to average M-waves from 8 successive potentials and to calculate the peak M-wave amplitude. The maximal changes in M-wave amplitude at the end of exercise (M-wave; ) was expressed versus rest value.Maximal cycling exerciseThe ME/CFS health-related quality of life was evaluated using two questionnaires: the validated French versions of the London Handicap Scale (LHS) [34] as well as the Medical Outcome Study Short Form-36 (SF-36) [35], this latter being divided into three item groups (physical function, bodily pain, and vitality).Biochemical redox variablesAfter a 30-min rest period, each subject performed an incremental exercise test on an electrically braked cycle ergometer (Ergometrics ER 800, Jaeger) [8, 10, 11, 36]. Throughout the incremental exercise trial, the software averaged each variable for ten consecutive seconds. The maximal VO2 value (VO2max) was measured when the subject had reached his/her predicted maximal heart rate. M-wave recordings and blood samplings for bio.Ble 1.Fenouillet et al. J Transl Med (2016) 14:Page 3 ofTable 1 Characteristics, redox status, CD26-expression and muscle fatigue parameters of ME/CFS patients and control subjectsME/CFS (n = 32) Age (years) Sex ratio (F/M) ME/CFS duration (y) At rest RAA/TBARS CD26-expression (AU) PubMed ID: End exercise VO2max (ml min-1 kg-1) M-wave ( ) TBARS ( ) 42 ?7 Controls (n = 11) 46 ?24/12 5?6/described [19, 23], PBMCs (1.106 cells) were then incubated for 60 min at 37 in 75 mM glycine buffer pH 8.7 with three mM Gly-Pro-p-nitroanilide, a colorimetric substrate of the peptidase CD26. The signal background was determined by incubation in acetate buffer pH 5, a condition in which DPPIV is inactive. Optical density values were determined (405 nm).Mwave recordings and analyses2.72 + 0.09* 23 ?91 ?19*3.60 ?0.09 26 ?129 ?+50 ?10**-41 ?8**+15 ?+8 ?At rest: RAA/TBARS: ratio of antioxidant response (Reduced ascorbic acid, RAA) to lipid peroxidation (Thiobarbituric acid reactive substances, TBARS); CD26expression measured via DPP-IV activity (AU: arbitrary unit) Exercise: VO2 max (maximal oxygen uptake); M-wave amplitude: (maximal decrease in M-wave amplitude evoked in the rectus femoris); TBARS (maximal increase in TBARS post-exercise) (Mean + SEM; * p < 0.05; ** p < 0.01)Considering their medical history, four groups of patients were retrospectively constituted: (1) patients reporting an intense sport practice (>6 h/week) (n = 10), (2) patients reporting a severe acute infection (peritonitis, sepsis, avian influenza…) diagnosed within the 3? month period preceding the onset of ME/CFS, (n = 7), (3) patients reporting a severe emotional stress (difficult divorce, death of a child…) (n = 11), or (4) patients combining severe infection and emotional stress (n = 8).Psychometrical indices of healthrelated quality of lifeAs previously reported [10], bipolar (30 mm center-tocenter) Ag gCl surface electrodes (Dantec, 13 L 20) were used to measure EMG voltage from one rectus femoris muscle. The electrodes were placed between the motor point and the proximal tendon. The EMG signal was amplified (Nihon Kohden, Tokyo, Japan) in the 10?000 Hz range. Compound muscle action potentials (M-waves) were evoked in the rectus femoris by direct stimulation using a monopolar technique and a constant-current neurostimulator (S88 model Grass, Quincy, MA) that delivered supra-maximal shocks with 0.1 ms rectangular pulses. The EMG signal was fed to an oscilloscope (model DSO 400, Gould), permitting to average M-waves from 8 successive potentials and to calculate the peak M-wave amplitude. The maximal changes in M-wave amplitude at the end of exercise (M-wave; ) was expressed versus rest value.Maximal cycling exerciseThe ME/CFS health-related quality of life was evaluated using two questionnaires: the validated French versions of the London Handicap Scale (LHS) [34] as well as the Medical Outcome Study Short Form-36 (SF-36) [35], this latter being divided into three item groups (physical function, bodily pain, and vitality).Biochemical redox variablesAfter a 30-min rest period, each subject performed an incremental exercise test on an electrically braked cycle ergometer (Ergometrics ER 800, Jaeger) [8, 10, 11, 36]. Throughout the incremental exercise trial, the software averaged each variable for ten consecutive seconds. The maximal VO2 value (VO2max) was measured when the subject had reached his/her predicted maximal heart rate. M-wave recordings and blood samplings for bio.