Ry, which she uses to predictively pre-activate lower level representation(s) of (e.g. its semantic features and its phonological properties) within long-term memory. Pre-updating would refer to the additional step of updating her internal representation of context, within working memory, such that it now contains the preactivated lower level information in addition to the partial event representation. One notion that seems to be common to these views is the idea that, if such predictive commitments are violated by the bottom-up input (for example, the word “plane” is encountered instead of “kite”), this would lead to a further increase in reaction times or additional neural activity that goes beyond what would ensue if the comprehender had not committed in this fashion. These increases in reaction time or prolonged neural activity have order PF-04418948 sometimes been conceived of as reflecting the costs or consequences of violating a strong prediction (see Federmeier, 2007; Kutas et al., 2011, and DeLong et al., 2014 for discussion). (4a) The day was breezy so the boy went outside to fly a… (4b) …kite (4c) …plane (5a) It was an ordinary day and the boy went outside and saw a… (5b) …plane Experimentally, the way researchers have sought evidence for additional neural or behavioral processing associated with violating strong, high certainty predictions is to compare behavioral responses or neural activity to incoming words like “plane” in (4c) that violate contexts like (4a), which constrain very strongly for a different specific lexical item (), and a different specific event (), and incoming words like “plane” (5b) that follow non-constraining (non-predictable) contexts like (5a). Any differences in processing time or neural activity between the critical incoming words in (4c) and (5b) are taken to reflect the additional processing engaged as a result of violating a strong prediction. This difference is compared with another contrast — between (5b) and (4b). In (4b), the critical word is fully supported by the highly constraining context. Any differences in processing time or neural activity between (5b) and (4b) are taken to reflect reduced SC144 cost facilitation (due either to reduced pre-activation at lower level(s) of representation, or reduced integration at the higher event level of representation). Behavioral studies using this type of logic have found mixed evidence that prediction violations (4c vs. 5b) lead to increased processing, over and above reduced predictive facilitation (5b vs. 4b) (Forster, 1981; Frisson, Rayner Pickering, 2005; Schwanenflugel Lacount, 1988; Schwanenflugel Shoben, 1985; Stanovich West, 1981, 1983; Traxler Foss, 2000). One reason for these mixed findings may be that not all of these studies matched the predictability critical words in (4c) and (5b). Some evidence for additional neural processing that is specifically associated with violating highly constraining contexts as in (4c) has, however, emerged from the ERP literature. WhileAuthor Manuscript Author Manuscript Author Manuscript Author ManuscriptLang Cogn Neurosci. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2017 January 01.Kuperberg and JaegerPagea full analysis of this literature is outside the scope of this article (see Van Petten Luka, 2012, and Kuperberg, 2013, for reviews), we note that critical words like (4c) evoke a larger anteriorly distributed late positivity than critical words like (5b). This is the case even when th.Ry, which she uses to predictively pre-activate lower level representation(s) of (e.g. its semantic features and its phonological properties) within long-term memory. Pre-updating would refer to the additional step of updating her internal representation of context, within working memory, such that it now contains the preactivated lower level information in addition to the partial event representation. One notion that seems to be common to these views is the idea that, if such predictive commitments are violated by the bottom-up input (for example, the word “plane” is encountered instead of “kite”), this would lead to a further increase in reaction times or additional neural activity that goes beyond what would ensue if the comprehender had not committed in this fashion. These increases in reaction time or prolonged neural activity have sometimes been conceived of as reflecting the costs or consequences of violating a strong prediction (see Federmeier, 2007; Kutas et al., 2011, and DeLong et al., 2014 for discussion). (4a) The day was breezy so the boy went outside to fly a… (4b) …kite (4c) …plane (5a) It was an ordinary day and the boy went outside and saw a… (5b) …plane Experimentally, the way researchers have sought evidence for additional neural or behavioral processing associated with violating strong, high certainty predictions is to compare behavioral responses or neural activity to incoming words like “plane” in (4c) that violate contexts like (4a), which constrain very strongly for a different specific lexical item (), and a different specific event (), and incoming words like “plane” (5b) that follow non-constraining (non-predictable) contexts like (5a). Any differences in processing time or neural activity between the critical incoming words in (4c) and (5b) are taken to reflect the additional processing engaged as a result of violating a strong prediction. This difference is compared with another contrast — between (5b) and (4b). In (4b), the critical word is fully supported by the highly constraining context. Any differences in processing time or neural activity between (5b) and (4b) are taken to reflect reduced facilitation (due either to reduced pre-activation at lower level(s) of representation, or reduced integration at the higher event level of representation). Behavioral studies using this type of logic have found mixed evidence that prediction violations (4c vs. 5b) lead to increased processing, over and above reduced predictive facilitation (5b vs. 4b) (Forster, 1981; Frisson, Rayner Pickering, 2005; Schwanenflugel Lacount, 1988; Schwanenflugel Shoben, 1985; Stanovich West, 1981, 1983; Traxler Foss, 2000). One reason for these mixed findings may be that not all of these studies matched the predictability critical words in (4c) and (5b). Some evidence for additional neural processing that is specifically associated with violating highly constraining contexts as in (4c) has, however, emerged from the ERP literature. WhileAuthor Manuscript Author Manuscript Author Manuscript Author ManuscriptLang Cogn Neurosci. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2017 January 01.Kuperberg and JaegerPagea full analysis of this literature is outside the scope of this article (see Van Petten Luka, 2012, and Kuperberg, 2013, for reviews), we note that critical words like (4c) evoke a larger anteriorly distributed late positivity than critical words like (5b). This is the case even when th.