d in age-matched ASMase KO and WT littermates between 1 and 6 months-of-age. Comparison of scotopic ERGs in ASMase KO mice and WT mice demonstrated that by 1 month-of-age a- and b-wave amplitudes in KO mice were significantly R-7128 web reduced by 32 6.7% and 35 5.1%, respectively. Between the 2 and 6 months-of-age ERGs, analyses showed progressive reductions in both a- and b-wave amplitudes. Comparing ASMase KO mice to age-matched WT mice at 6 months demonstrated that a- and b-waves were significantly reduced by 67 5.9% and 64 6.1%, respectively. Analysis of photopic ERGs using UV and green light stimuli to evaluate the S and M cone functions also demonstrated significant age-dependent reductions in a- and b-wave amplitudes in ASMase KO mice when compared to WT mice. 5 / 14 ASMase and Autophagic Stress-Related Retinal Degeneration Fig 2. Effect of deletion of ASMase on electroretinogram responses. Data analyses of scotopic ERG a-wave amplitudes from 1-, 2-, PubMed ID:http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19748118 4- and 6-monthold WT and KO mice; data analyses of scotopic ERG b-wave amplitudes PubMed ID:http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19747723 from 1-, 2-, 4- and 6-month-old WT and KO mice. Data analyses of photopic ERG b-wave amplitudes for S cones and M cones from 1-, 2-, 4- and 6-month-old WT and KO mice. Representative scotopic and photopic ERG signals in 6-month-old WT and KO mice. Each ERG was obtained by averaging two responses to 2.48 cds/m2 flashes with an interstimulus interval of 60 seconds. Data are expressed as mean SE; n !6, !4 mice. Indicates significant difference between responses in WT and ASMase KO mice. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0133032.g002 To examine the effect of ASMase on retinal structure, retinal cross-sections were evaluated in age-matched ASMase KO and WT mice from 1 to 8 months-of-age. In WT mice from1 to 8 months-of-age, morphometric analysis of the retina or individual retinal layers found no significant differences in the thickness. Comparing retinal analysis of WT and KO mice at 1 and 2 months-of-age found no significant difference in the thickness of the retina or individual retinal layers. However, at 6 months-of-age comparing ASMase KO mice to WT mice significant decreases in the photoreceptor and outer nuclear layer and total retinal thickness were measured. At 8 months-of-age progressive thinning of photoreceptor, outer nuclear layers were measured, as well as significant thinning of the inner nuclear and inner plexiform layers were measured. As a result of this degeneration, mean retinal thickness in ASMase KO mice, at 8 months-of-age was 36.8 6.5% less than that measured in age match WT mice. Retinal pigment epithelial changes in ASMase KO mice As functional deficits in photoreceptors were evident by 1 month, early changes in RPE function and structure were evaluated. To investigate if the disruption of ASMase affects the RPE function, we evaluated the ERG c-wave amplitudes and autofluorescence signals. As shown in Fig 4, at 1 month-of-age, the mean c-wave amplitude in ASMase KO mice was significantly lower than that in WT mice, and amplitudes continued to decline to 120.2 26.8 V at 2 months-of- age. 6 / 14 ASMase and Autophagic Stress-Related Retinal Degeneration Fig 3. Effect of deletion of ASMase on retinal morphology. Photomicrograph of retina cross-section in WT and ASMase KO mice at 1-, 2-, 6- and 8-months-of-age. All images were taken 2 to 3 disc diameters from the optic nerve. Scale bar is 20 m. Abbreviations: retinal pigment epithelium; outer segment; inner segment; outer nuclear layer; outer plexiform la