acturer’s instructions. Cells were then washed and centrifuged on a 062% discontinuous percoll gradient for 30 min at 1000 g. The neutrophil-enriched pellet was harvested, and the cells were washed and homogenized by a Tissuemiser homogenizer and sonicated. Cell homogenates underwent three freeze-thaw cycles in liquid nitrogen, and after centrifugation supernatant was used for subsequent experiments as the murine MPO positive control. For the intra-assay reproducibility experiment, 1.2 million cells were serially diluted and loaded in triplicates to simultaneously run a MPO standard curve by using ADHP as explained above. For inter-assay reproducibility, three additional standard curves were run at three different points by using the same samples and dilution factors; each curve was run at least 1 hour apart. Flow Cytometry Organs were harvested as described above. Half of each organ was processed for intra- and extracellular protein fractions, while the other half was used for flow cytometric evaluation of tissue neutrophil content. All organs except heart were dounce homogenized and filtered through a 40 mm cell strainer. Spleen cells were then incubated in RBC lysis buffer as per manufacturer’s instructions. To remove parenchymal liver cells, the cell suspension was centrifuged twice at 50 g for 5 min, and the cell pellet was discarded. The supernatant was then spun at 350 g for 10 min, and liver leukocytes were enriched over a 35% percoll gradient. Brain leukocytes were enriched over a discontinuous 3070% percoll gradient. Heart tissue was digested with 450 U/ml collagenase I, 125 U/ml collagenase XI, 60 8866946 U/ml DNase I and 60 U/ml hyaluronidase shaken at 37uC for 1 hour, and then filtered through a 100 mm cell strainer. Cells from all organs were then counted using a hematocytometer, and the cell number of different cell populations was calculated as total cells multiplied by ML-128 chemical information percentage within the respective cell population gate. The following antibodies were used: anti-Ly-6G, IA8; anti-CD11b, M1/70; and anti-Ly-6C, AL-21. Viable cells were determined by adding 1 mg/ml 49,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole to the cell suspension immediately before analysis, and 21415165 DAPI-positive cells were excluded. Neutrophils were identified as CD11bhigh, Ly-6Ghigh, and Ly6Cint. Spike and Recovery Assay To test recovery of MPO from different organ extracts, pure human MPO from neutrophil extracts was used as positive control at either 0.12 pmol or 0.05 pmol, and added to ICF and ECF of isolated organs. MPO activity assays were then performed to investigate recovery of MPO activity from organ supernatants, and normalized as a percentage of MPO positive control. LDH Assay To confirm successful isolation of ECF and ICF, we conducted an LDH assay as per manufacturer’s instructions. LDH is a strictly intracellular enzyme, and its Statistical Analysis Statistical analysis of the data was performed using GraphPad Prism software. Results were expressed as mean 6 SD. Statistical tests included Student’s Measuring MPO Activity t-test using Welch’s correction for unequal variances, and MannWhitney U test for non-normal distributed data as determined by the D’Agostino and Pearson omnibus normality test. A P-value equal or less than 0.05 was considered statistically significant. note, we did not find work comparing different assays for their ability to specifically detect MPO activity in biological samples. Results Lack of Consensus in the Literature on how to Measure MPO A